Body contouring after weight loss found to improve quality of life

A recent news story from Reuters has reminded us that cosmetic surgery isn’t just a beneficial procedure for our bodies: a successful deployment of body contouring techniques can be a remarkably positive boost to our state of mind too.

According to a recent study, clients who undergo body contouring procedures after weight loss appear to enjoy a better quality of life than those who don’t. 112 female patients who had recently undergone body contouring surgery were asked questions about their bodies and quality of life before their procedures. This was followed up with further questions over a two-year period – with topics covering body satisfaction, sex life, self-esteem, social performance and physical symptoms.

The results? A huge boost in perceived quality of life. Using a scale from 0 to 100, the study group’s average quality of life scores rose from 44 before body contouring procedures to 86.

What is body contouring?

Body contouring is a catch-all term for a range of cosmetic surgery procedures which address the issues caused by excess fat and/or skin. The most well-known instances of body contouring are deployed on clients who have lost a significant amount of weight – either through diet and exercise or after bariatric surgery.

However, with the rise of recent non-surgical ultrasound techniques, the term has been expanded to accommodate people who have maintained a healthy diet and suitable exercise regime who still have pockets of fat they’d like to eliminate.

The key body contouring procedures are:

Tummy tuck

Known as abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck procedure is relatively simple, albeit intensive. The procedure begins with the injection of fluid under the abdominal skin in order to reduce bleeding, followed by – if necessary – a treatment of liposuction to reduce the layer of remaining fat.

After making an incision from hip to hip, the skin is pulled down, and the excess is removed. In certain cases, the surgeon will work under the skin to tighten and reposition the stomach muscles. Finally, temporary drains are fitted to remove excess blood and fluid, and the skin is sutured. It’s the perfect solution to ‘muffin top’ sagging left behind after intensive weight lost.

Arm lift

A brachioplasty procedure varies from client to client, depending on the state of the skin after weight loss. However, the goal is the same: the removal of excess fat and skin that has accumulated over time, and the tightening and restoring of the natural smooth skin and contours that has faded over time.

Thigh reduction

As with the arm lift, the aim of thigh reduction is to make an incision in order to remove any remaining fat, and to trim away superfluous skin.

Breast lift

Designed to restore the breasts to their original, natural shape – as opposed to enlarging them – a breast lift is also the perfect procedure for downwardly-pointing nipples, repositioning the nipples for a more natural look, and reducing the appearance of enlarged areola.

If you’re looking to improve the quality of your natural shape – and all the subsequent benefits that may entail – take the first step by talking to us.